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What To Do if Viagra Is Not Working for You: 9 Tips

Is Viagra not working as you expected? Learn 9 tips to help you get the most out of your ED treatment.

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Everyone knows about Viagra, and it is a great medication for many looking to get some help with ED symptoms.

But, with that said, it is not a magic pill that works in all people during all situations -- you might need a little finesse and trial and error to really see if Viagra can work for you.

There are some people that maybe just need to refine how they are taking the medication, address certain current health issues better, or talk with their doctor a few times before really getting the medication to work for them.

Read on for 9 tips to try if your Viagra dose is not working out for you as you expected.

Read Related: How Does Viagra (Sildenafil) Work?: 6 Steps Happening in Your Body From Pill to Pillow

1. Time it out

Erectile dysfunction medications are all about timing. You want to find that sweet spot of giving the medication enough time to get into your system without waiting a little too long and ending up with too much of your dose already metabolized out of your body.

For Viagra, this means that you need to try to take your dose about 1 hour before you expect to have intercourse. And waiting until 3-4 hours after you have taken your dose will mean that much of the medication is already gone.

This may take a few tries to get the timing spot on, given that most are likely used to sexual activity being a more spontaneous occasion.

Set a discreet alarm on your watch to go off 1 hour after you take your Viagra, and try to hold out until it goes off to begin the main event.

2. Change up your meals before your dose

Most ED medications allow you to decide whether you want to take them with meals or not.

But, with Viagra, there may be small reductions in the bioavailability of the medication if you take it with food. While these reductions may be negligible for those that have a strong response to Viagra, if you are struggling with your dosing, taking your medication on an empty stomach may give you that little extra leg up.

This reduced absorption may be worsened if the meal is very heavy or high in fat, so if you must have a meal with your Viagra dosage, stick to something on the lighter side.

Also Read: Heartburn From Viagra? 7 Tips To Help Reduce It

3. Don’t give up too soon

Don’t expect to take your very first Viagra dose and have it work perfectly right away, for many Viagra users it will take a few tries to get everything working like you want.

An erection is a complex process, even with medication, and small details like timing, meals, stress levels, relationship conflicts, or too many cocktails at dinner can throw the whole process off balance.

Give your Viagra at least a handful of tries over the course of a few weeks (and read up on helpful tips like these) before throwing in the towel.

4. Improve your overall health

Viagra works by relaxing the smooth muscles in the penis and dilating the vessel to help bring blood flow to the area and make it easier for you to have an erection when stimulated.

But, if those vessels are too damages to properly respond to Viagra’s cues, the medication may not work as well or at all for you.

Certain health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol can wreak havoc on your vessel health, ultimately worsening ED, so anything you can do to improve these conditions may increase your positive response to Viagra.

Take all of your medications as prescribed and talk with your doctor about ways to improve these conditions to ensure that they are not the ones throwing a wrench in your Viagra treatment attempts.

5. Make sure your Testosterone levels are normal

Viagra can help with your blood flow to the penile region and help everything get going easier, but it does not have an effect on your hormones or your sexual desire.

Also, if the desire is not there, Viagra will likely not work for you.

If you feel your erectile dysfunction may stem from a lack of desire, you may want to speak with your doctor to see if your testosterone levels are in range for your age as this hormone is vital for a strong libido.

6. Address psychological sexual roadblocks

You could be in physical tip-top shape, but if your relationship is on the fritz or you have severe anxiety about performance, these issues can hinder even the most willing and ready sexual encounter.

Talk with your partner to help work through your issues, or employ the help of a sex or relationship counselor to end any animosity, anxiety, or stress in your relationship before ruling out Viagra as a viable option.

7. Skip the drinks

Alcohol tends to constrict the blood vessels, which is the direct opposite of what Viagra is trying to get in there to do.

In order to give Viagra a fighting chance to open up those vessels and boost your penile blood flow, skip alcohol entirely on nights that you take a dose or keep it to the very minimum.

8. Talk to your doctor about strength increases

Viagra is not a one size fits all medication, so doses can range anywhere from 20mg all the way up to 100mg per use.

If you have already tried troubleshooting your dose using all of the tips above to no avail, and you are on the lower range of dosing, you may benefit from bringing a dose increase up to your doctor.

Increased dosages may not be a good fit for everyone depending on your current health conditions and other medications, but for some, it may be the key to getting more out of your therapy.

Never change your dose on your own without consulting with a doctor in order to avoid the increased risk of side effects or adverse events.

Also Read: How Long Does It Take for Viagra To Work? Learn How To Time Out Your Dose

9. Speak with your doctor if Viagra is not working

Viagra may not be a good fit for you, but that doesn’t mean you are completely out of luck. There are other ED medications in the same class as Viagra that have slightly different onsets and lengths of time that they last in your body.

Cialis (Tadalafil is the generic form) has the longest half-life of all PDE-5 ED medications (up to 36 hours), and it may even be used every day at the same time to ensure a continuous amount of medication if your body to let you have a more spontaneous sex life.

If you feel that your issues with Viagra tend to be from the short window that is it effective, speak with your doctor in person, or have a free online questionnaire-based visit with our doctors to see if longer-lasting Cialis is a better option for you.

If you are a good candidate for treatment with generic Viagra (Sildenafil) or generic Cialis (Tadalafil), your prescription can be shipped to your home with our free  shipping.

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Here at Strut Health, we offer the most popular ED treatments through our secure telemedicine platform, including sildenafil (generic Viagra) and tadalafil (generic Cialis).

Simply select the medication you are considering, complete a free online questionnaire-based doctor's consultation, and checkout.

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