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Yoga for Erectile Dysfunction: Benefits and 8 Poses With Images

Yoga can be beneficial for many expects of health, possibly even sexual health. Learn about the yoga and ED connection with these 8 recommended poses with example images.

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The benefits of yoga have been known for centuries, and it is commonly touted as a great way to improve flexibility, boost strength, and relieve stress.

As it turns out, practicing yoga may even have benefits that reach into the bedroom. For men with ED, yoga may be a way to help improve erectile dysfunction symptoms.

Below, we will detail some of the potential benefits of using yoga as part of a well-rounded ED plan, review studies that have been done looking into the use of yoga for sexual health benefits, and finally, explain how to do and show images of 8 yoga poses that may be good for ED.

Yoga benefits for erectile dysfunction

The proposed benefits of yoga that may translate into a healthier sex life may include:

  • Better whole-body blood flow
  • Cardio-respiratory fitness improvements
  • Stress reduction
  • Building a more mindful state of mind
  • Improved focus
  • More confidence
  • Better body image

Basically, regular yoga practice may make your heart and lungs healthier, make you feel better about your body, increase relaxation, and put you more in tune with focusing on the moment at hand. So, it is not a stretch to see why all of these things can lead to improvements during intimacy.

Yoga for erectile dysfunction studies

Some studies have developed the hypothesis that regular yoga practice might help out with sexual health issues and decided to test it out. Below are a couple of studies looking to measure the connection, and what outcomes they discovered.

One study had 65 men that were enrolled in a 12-week yoga camp take a Male Sexual Quotient questionnaire both before the start and after the end of the yoga training. At the end of the sessions, it was found that the questionnaire scores were rated as improved across all categories including performance, desire, intercourse satisfaction, erection, confidence, partner synchronization, orgasm, and ejaculatory control.

Another study looked into 68 male patients who were undergoing radiation therapy for prostate cancer. Treatments for prostate cancer are commonly known to negatively affect erectile function in either the short or long term, so finding something that may help improve sexual function throughout treatment may be extremely beneficial. The men were randomized into 1 group that did not do any yoga during treatment, and 1 group that did yoga twice a week during radiation treatment. The participants had quality of life (QOL), erectile function, fatigue, and urinary incontinence measured both before the start of the study and at the end. The study reported that there was a significant reduction in fatigue, and urinary and sexual dysfunction in the yoga group as compared to the no-yoga group at the end of 15 months.

9 yoga poses to try for erectile dysfunction

  1. Seated forward bend (Paschimottasana)

Sit on the floor and extend both legs out straight. Then, with a straight spine, extend your arms up over your head and then lean forward over your legs, with control. Lean as far as you can comfortably go with your arms extending towards your toes. You can grasp onto your feet or legs in this pose.

  1. Seated head-to-knee posture (Janu Sirsasana)

Start in a seated position. Then, bend your left leg and tuck it into your right thigh with your foot flush against the other leg. Bend your torso forward over your right leg and reach towards your right foot, trying to have your nose touch your knee, or as far as you can comfortably go. Hold this position for a few breaths and then repeat on the other leg.

  1. Butterfly pose (Baddha Konasana)

Sitting on your mat, bend both knees to the side and place the bottoms of the feet together. Grasp your feet and pull them into your groin for the stretch. Sit up straight in this posture and lower your knees as close to the ground as they can comfortably go.

  1. Frog pose (Mandukasana)

Start in a table-top position with palms and knees on the ground directly beneath your shoulders and hips. Then, slowly move your knees out to both sides. Slowly move your chest down towards your mat to feel the stretch in your groin. Hold this position for a few breaths or as long as it is comfortable.

  1. Plank pose (Kumbhakasana)

Lie face down on the floor or your yoga mat. Then, press your body up into a straight diagonal line by extending your arms out straight underneath you. This pose may seem simple, but it really engages your core muscles. Hold the pose as long as you comfortably can.

  1. Bow pose (Dhanurasana)

Lie face down on your floor or yoga mat. Then, bring your feet up and reach your hands behind your back so that you can grasp your feet. While holding your feet, extend your legs up and outward to pull your shoulders and upper chest off the floor or mat. Hold this pose for as long as you can comfortably.

  1. Eagle pose (Garudasana)

Stand up with knees slightly bent and feet together. Then, lift the left leg and with control cross it over on top of your right thigh. If you can, then also hook the left leg through around your right shin while balancing. Hold this pose for a few breaths or as long as you can. Then, repeat on the other side.

  1. Standing forward bend (Uttanasana)

Stand straight up with legs straight and feet together. Then, lean your torso forward and down, letting the arms hang down. Lean down as far as you can comfortably go and let your body hang. Hold this pose for a few breaths to help improve hip flexibility.

Yoga for erectile dysfunction: Bottom line

Yoga can be a fun, relaxing, and easy way to potentially help improve your blood flow, strength, focus, and cardiovascular health. For some men, this might translate into improvements of your ED symptoms.

While it may not be realistic to expect yoga to cure your ED, it may be a smart addition to your overall erectile dysfunction treatment approach, along with healthy lifestyle choices, better control of ED-related diseases, and using medications (if needed).

Strut Health prescription ED medications online

Here at Strut Health, we believe in approaching health conditions from a number of different directions, including starting with a healthy foundation of good lifestyle choices. For ED, yoga may be a smart inclusion to your treatment plan, but you might still want to or need to use ED medications to help out in the moment.

We carry FDA-approved ED medications Sildenafil (generic Viagra) and Tadalafil (generic Cialis). If you are interested in giving one of these medications a try for your ED symptoms, simply select the medication you are considering, and complete a free online questionnaire-based telemedicine consultation in under 15 minutes. 

One of our doctors will review your information and put together a treatment plan for you, if appropriate. Then, a U.S. pharmacy will put your medication together and ship it to your front door with our free shipping.

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