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What Happens When You Take a Double Dose of Viagra (Sildenafil)?

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Viagra (the brand name of Sildenafil) is one of the most popular and recognizable medications on the market. And, this medication was the first drug to be FDA-approved to help treat erectile dysfunction.

Viagra has no doubt helped many men with their sexual health in a relatively safe and well-tolerated way (when used correctly).

Since this medication does seem to work well for most men with ED who try it, with generally minor to no side effects, it may make some users wonder if they can up the dose on their own to try and extract even more benefits.

Unfortunately, when Viagra is used in this manner with doubling doses or taking extra doses in a day without consulting with your doctor first, it can lead to unwanted and potentially dangerous adverse effects.

Below, we will explain who more is not always better when it comes to Viagra (Sildenafil), what adverse effects may occur with taking too much, and why you should always follow your specific dosing instructions.

Why more is not always better with Viagra (Sildenafil)

Viagra has a pretty great patient response rate, and it works for about 70%-85% of men that take it for erectile dysfunction.

These fantastic responses along with its generally good tolerability and mild side effect profile, quickly propelled Viagra into the public consciousness.

However, even with drugs that are considered relatively safe, patients cannot let their guard down and start using medications as they are not intended or prescribed. Much of the safety described with Viagra (Sildenafil) stems from the fact that the medication is used within its prescribed limits and at dosages chosen for you by a doctor.

Viagra (Sildenafil) is not indicated to be used more than once per day. Meaning that if you used it earlier in the day, you cannot pop another one later that evening.

Trying to fit in an additional dosage some days may be appealing to very active couples, since Viagra (sildenafil) tends to only continue working for about 3-4 hours after taking your dose. However, taking Sildenafil (Viagra) in this way only increases your risk of adverse side effects and can be dangerous. 

If you do feel that you need an ED medication that lasts all day, you can ask your doctor about a medication in the same class called Cialis (Tadalafil), which can last much longer. Switching to Tadalafil may be a great option to extend the amount of time your ED treatment lasts without putting yourself at higher risk for side effects by using Viagra (Sildenafil) incorrectly.

Additionally, trying to bump up your dosage by doubling the amount of Viagra (Sildenafil) prescribed when you do take it may not give you any better response and may just increase your risk of potentially dangerous side effects from too much of the medication being in your system at once.

If you do feel that your current dosage isn’t strong enough for you, the best way to go about this is to speak with your doctor. The doctor may be able to review your information, current health, and response in order to see if a dose adjustment is appropriate.

What are the risks of doubling your Viagra (Sildenafil) dosage?

When you double up on your Viagra (Sildenafil) dosage and use the medication not as prescribed, you increase your risk of experiencing the potential side effects of the medication.

You may find that when used as directed you do not experience adverse side effects, but when you use the medication incorrectly, you do experience uncomfortable or potentially dangerous issues.

Basically, it can amplify the side effects you experience and may be harmful.

The potential side effects of Viagra (Sildenafil) include: headache, dizziness, flushing, stomach upset, vision changes, low blood pressure, chest/arm/jaw pain, fainting, nausea, hearing changes, ringing in the ears. 

Another potential issue may be a prolonged erection lasting longer than 4 hours. This situation is considered Priapism and is a medical emergency as the penile tissues can be permanently damaged. Priapism is rare when Viagra (Sildenafil) is used as directed, but the potential for priapism increases when Viagra is not used correctly.

You cannot assume that just because you do not experience side effects with a lower dose, that it is safe for you to increase to a higher dose without consulting with your doctor first.

Always follow the dosing instructions from your doctor and pharmacy

Of course, there may be a situation where you talk with your doctor and they feel like you may benefit from a higher Viagra (Sildenafil) strength and they instruct you to try increasing your dosage, or taking two tablets at once (for instance, two 25mg tablets to see if a 50mg dosage works better for you).

In this situation, where you are guided by your doctor and they are trying to find the best dosage for you, this may be the only time that it is ok to increase your strength.

Doctors are familiar with working with patients to try and land on the best dosage of Viagra (Sildenafil) which helps with ED symptoms while reducing the risks of side effects. Start by opening the conversation with your medical provider if you feel your dosage is not working for you, and they can help you find a solution.

Strut Health Sildenafil prescribed online and shipped free

Here at Strut, we offer Sildenafil (generic Viagra) and Tadalafil (generic Cialis) in various dosages and at competitive prices online through our secure telemedicine platform.

If you are interested in seeing if an FDA-approved ED medication is a good choice for you, you can have a free online questionnaire-based visit in 10-15 minutes.

If you are a good candidate for treatment, your medication can be shipped to your front door with our free shipping.

If you have any questions during your treatment, or feel that you may need dosing adjustments, you can easily get back in touch with our team and doctors with our free unlimited follow-ups.

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