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Dr. Alan Bauman: How To Give the Gift of Hair (Video)

Hair expert Dr. Bauman explains how you can give the gift of hair or talk with a friend or loved one about hair loss in a delicate way

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Dr. Alan Bauman: How To Give the Gift of Hair (Video)

(Video Transcript)

Hello, everyone. It's Doctor Alan Bauman from Bauman Medical Hair Transplant and Hair Loss Treatment Center coming to you today on behalf of Strut. And, yeah, it's that time of the year again, gift-giving, and maybe you've thought about giving the gift of hair to someone or even yourself. But if you're gonna talk about hair loss with someone whether it be a friend or a family member, there are some pitfalls, or even a colleague, right? There are some great benefits, but there are also some pitfalls. So stick around and we'll go over some of the ways that we can talk about giving the gift of hair.

So hair loss can be quite a sensitive subject. And if you're trying to give somebody the gift of hair, you don't want them to take it the wrong way. So my best advice for you is to make sure that it's coming from a place of real true compassion, and make sure that you're talking perhaps maybe more about, their general health and wellness and concerns for that rather than an aesthetic condition. So if you're gonna talk to somebody about their hair loss or give them something that's gonna help them for hair loss. Make sure that it's coming from the right place. Certainly, choose the right time and place to talk about it and be there for emotional support. And as I mentioned previously, focus on less about the aesthetics and more about their general your general care for their health and well-being.

So choosing the right time and place to talk about someone's hair loss is really important. Wanna make sure it's a private conversation. You wanna make sure that you're not out in the open and that you're not feeling stressed or rushed. And maybe you would present it like this. You know, hey, I've noticed that your hair thinning, and I remember you talking to me that you were stressed out about work. I just wanna make sure that you're okay.

And if the loved one or friend says, yeah, maybe I'm quite embarrassed about it. You can say something like, hey, you know, don't worry. It is a common problem. It is something that can be treated. Have you ever thought about maybe seeking treatment or getting a product or service or at least getting a diagnosis or an evaluation?

Certainly, I'm there to help you to come with you, you know, and or maybe here's some way to get started. The idea is to open up a dialogue without any pressure, but to include that sensitivity and don't just assume that they definitely wanna treat their hair loss situation. So leaving the conversation kind of open-ended that allows them to take the action and to take any steps that they might need or feel that they want.

If you already know that the person is interested in treating their hair loss, maybe they've shared with you that they're already on some kind of therapies, whether they're working on it or not, or have had some kind of intervention, Then the door is open for different and a variety of therapies and treatments that you could gift to them. And so if they haven't had a consultation with either a board-certified hair restoration physician or someone who's a specialist in hair loss, you can certainly recommend that. There are non-prescription products that you can get, there are topical medications, derma rollers, even shampoos, nutritional supplementation, and things like that.

Laser-light therapy devices that are available. But if someone maybe wants a prescription item, then certainly they're gonna have to connect with a physician. Themselves personally. For women and, for men with longer hair, giving, gift items that are good for scalp health and also to protect the aesthetic value of hair, like, for example, low-heat styling tools or very specific blow dryers, things like that. Can be very, very helpful if you know that they're trying to protect their hair. 

Even products like silk pillow coverings and casings or things that they can wear over their hair at night to help protect it can be helpful.

So at the very least, If you know that they're looking for some information about hair loss and hair restoration, certainly, you can look at the nonprescription items that are available on the Strut website. But at the very least, get them set up with a newsletter with informative information right from Strut Health about hair loss and hair restoration and the available treatments. So click on the links below, and you'll get all of that information.

Watch more Dr. Bauman videos:

Dr. Alan Bauman: Can Testosterone Cause Hair Loss? (Video)

Dr. Alan Bauman: Can Ozempic (Semaglutide) Cause Hair Loss? (Video)

Dr. Alan Bauman: Review of Strut Hair Booster with Latanoprost (Video)

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