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Rosacea vs Couperose Skin: How Are They Different?

What is the difference between having rosacea and having couperose skin? Figure out if you have one or the other here.

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Rosacea and Couperose are two skin conditions that are quite similar, in fact, it is possible to be dealing with Rosacea and Couperose at the same time.

Rosacea and Couperose are similar in that they can cause redness of the face, skin discomfort, and are more commonly found in those with pale skin.

But, there are some distinct differences that you should be aware of to help differentiate between the two.

Below, we will outline some of the most important differences between rosacea and couperose.

Learn More: Is Rosacea Curable? What You Should Know About a Rosacea Diagnosis

Couperose skin is more defined by the visibility of the blood vessels

Couperose skin can be described as looking like lots of tiny red or broken blood vessels just underneath the skin of the face, they may be reddish or pinkish, and may turn white briefly when pressed. Another term for couperose skin is skin with telangiectasias.

So, couperose skin is strictly referring to this skin phenomenon of seeing these dilated or broken blood vessels on the face. 

Rosacea, on the other hand, may come along with telangiectasias in some people, but it also combines the potential symptoms of flushing, small pimples and pustules, eye irritation, thickened skin on the nose, and more of an inflammatory component. 

However, not everyone that experiences rosacea will present with couperose, and not everyone with couperose skin will experience rosacea symptoms. 

Some people with rosacea may only experience flushing, or pimples, or general redness, and some people with couperose skin may only see some tiny broken vessels across their face. 

It is important to keep in mind that rosacea can worsen if not treated.

So, someone with more of a flushing and pimple-type rosacea could possibly find that it worsens to include some couperose skin down the line if not handled correctly.

Couperose skin has to do with the loss of elasticity of the blood vessels in the face

Couperose skin develops from the loss of elasticity in the small blood vessels under the skin. 

Normally, blood vessels can dilate and then return to normal size. But, if elasticity is lost, as with couperose, the vessels remain dilated, making them appear as squiggly lines or a “mesh” of vessels on the skin.

Rosacea is thought to occur from more of an inflammatory situation, where the vessels are overly prone to dilation, not necessarily a loss of elasticity.

Part of the cause for rosacea may even include an inflammatory response to demodex mites on the skin. 

Also Read: Rosacea Vs. Acne: How To Spot The Difference

Couperose skin has slightly different symptoms than rosacea

Some of the symptoms of couperose and rosacea are similar, although there are some slight variations.

The symptoms of couperose skin may include: itching, burning, tingling, redness, skin sensitivity, telangiectasias, and an occasional or persistent redness of the face.

The symptoms of rosacea may include: dry skin, oily skin, acne-like rashes, pimples and pustules, swollen blood vessels, dry or irritated eyes, occasional or persistent facial redness, flushing, itching, visible blood vessels, stinging, burning sensation, thickened red skin on the nose.

Couperose skin may show up in different locations than rosacea

The locations where you find couperose skin vs rosacea may also differ.

Couperose skin is commonly seen on the nose and cheeks, while rosacea commonly occurs on the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin.

Strut Health prescription rosacea treatments online

Couperose skin visible blood vessels along with an inflammatory component, flushing, facial redness, or small pimples and pustules could mean that you are dealing with a chronic skin condition called rosacea.

There is no cure for rosacea, but you can help manage flare-ups and symptoms by identifying and avoiding triggers like spicy food, hot food and beverages, UV light, alcohol, smoking, and high-stress levels (just to mention a few).

Some people also apply prescription medications to help reduce flushing or help clear the small rash-like blemishes associated with rosacea.

At Strut, we have developed rosacea formulations that can be customized to your skin and can contain multiple prescription ingredients including oxymetazoline, azelaic acid, metronidazole, or ivermectin.
If you are interested in seeing if a prescription rosacea formula may be a good fit for your symptoms, you can have a free online questionnaire and image-based consultation with our U.S. licensed doctors. If you are a good fit for treatment, your prescription can be shipped to your front door with our free shipping.

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