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How Much Does a Doctor’s Visit for Hair Loss Cost?

Learn more about how much you can expect to pay for a doctor's visit for hair loss. Spoiler: telehealth services can save you money.

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Going to the doctor to talk about hair loss treatment options is likely not something that you have done throughout your life.

So, you may be a little unsure about what the potential costs may be.

Below, we will cover the general costs that you may find when going to see a doctor for hair loss, as well as what things may make prices higher or lower, review the likelihood of your insurance covering the treatment, and present some affordable hair loss treatment options.

Read Related: What Kind of Doctor To See for Hair Loss? And What To Expect During the Visit

How much does a doctor’s visit for hair loss cost?

When you are going to a doctor’s office to have an appointment where you want to address your hair loss, you can expect to pay a fixed rate just for the visit itself -- even if nothing is prescribed or no treatments or tests are conducted.

Depending on your area, and a few other variables that we will cover below, you can expect these appointments to cost around $100 up to $200 or more for an initial consultation if you will be paying out of pocket.

If you have insurance, your insurance may pay for a portion of the visit, or they may not cover hair loss-specific appointments at all. Hair loss treatment may be considered a cosmetic issue, so some insurances may not cover any or part of the visits.

You can review your insurance information or contact your insurance to see if these types of visits are covered.

The cost of a doctor’s visit for hair loss may depend on the clinic, location, and specialty

The exact office that you choose to visit to help address your hair loss issues may make a difference in the price.

If you have insurance, and you choose to see a general practitioner to discuss hair loss treatment options, this may be covered by your insurance. But, if you want to go to a Trichologist or a clinic that specializes in only hair loss, this may not be covered.

A Trichologist is someone who is trained in hair loss, but they are not necessarily a medical doctor.

When paying out of pocket for these appointments, you may find that location may also play a role in the visit costs.

Offices in a big city are likely to be pricier than offices in a small town, for instance.

Insurance may not cover appointments and treatments for hair loss

As we briefly mentioned above, your insurance may not cover appointments at offices that specialize in only hair loss, since they may not consider these appointments medically necessary for your health.

It is also important to consider the potential cost of any treatments that may be prescribed, as many insurances may not cover medications or procedures that are for hair loss treatment.

Before booking an appointment or launching into a treatment or medication plan, figure out what will be covered by your insurance and what you should prepare to pay for out of pocket.

Learn More: What Percentage of Men Experience Male Pattern Hair Loss?

Telemedicine hair loss consultations may be less expensive for some

For people who are dealing with hair loss issues that are more easily treatable and diagnosable online, like male pattern and female pattern hair loss, opting for getting treatment through a telemedicine service may be more cost-effective overall.

Many times, the online consultation itself is offered as a free service, and the shipped of the medications may also be free.

This leaves just the monthly cost of any required medications to consider.

Many telehealth sites that specialize in hair loss list out the exact monthly costs of hair loss medications, so budgeting for your treatment can be a breeze.

Strut Health affordable telemedicine hair loss treatments

Here at Strut, one of our specialties is hair loss, including male pattern hair loss and female pattern hair loss treatment. 

Our online questionnaire and image-based consultations with our doctors are completely free of charge, along with free shipping.

Our medication costs are clearly listed on our website, so you know exactly what you will be paying for each shipment. Additionally, if you have any questions during your treatment, our doctors and team are available for unlimited free follow-ups.

If you are interested in seeing the medications we offer and getting started on your free hair loss telemedicine consultation, you can browse our offerings for male pattern hair loss or female pattern hair loss.

We carry some common FDA-approved hair loss treatments, as well as more niche compounded off-label treatments like topical Finasteride or Dutasteride, giving you a broader range of options than a general pharmacy.

If you are a good candidate for the treatment you are considering, your medication will be shipped to your front door.

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