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Dr. Alan Bauman: Oral Minoxidil vs Topical Minoxidil for Hair Loss (Video)

Hair expert Dr. Alan Bauman explains why you might choose to use oral minoxidil, topical minoxidil, or both together, for hair loss treatment.

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Dr. Alan Bauman: Oral Minoxidil vs Topical Minoxidil for Hair Loss (Video)

(Video Transcript)

Hey, everybody! It’s Dr. Alan Bauman from Bauman Medical Hair Transplant and Treatment Center coming to you today on behalf of Strut and, helping you with your hair loss issues.

Question today is: Should you use oral minoxidil or topical minoxidil for your hair loss concerns?

We're going to go over some of the common issues when it comes to oral vs topical minoxidil, and why you should maybe use one or the other.

Well, in terms of the research, one specific study showed that you can get a 50% higher improvement in hair regrowth using oral minoxidil vs topical minoxidil.

But, there are some other reasons as well, that you may want to consider oral minoxidil.

If you’re using a topical version of minoxidil, potent hair growth stimulator, sometimes it can irritate the skin or mess up your hairstyle. It’s also a little bit more of a hassle than taking a capsule once a day.

So, oral minoxidil might be more convenient for you.

Oral minoxidil obviously is going systemically, as opposed to topical minoxidil right at the level of the scalp. So, there is a question of whether you are going to have systemic side effects from oral minoxidil.

The common side effects from oral minoxidil are actually quite rare and easily reversible and easily mitigated by using a microdose of minoxidil.

But, the common side effects of going too much on your oral minoxidil dose might be low blood pressure, which could manifest as headaches or dizziness. 

You could have excess hair in other areas of your body, usually that’s not an issue for men, but sometimes for women, it could be a concern. Easily handled with laser hair removal or other hair removal techniques, such as shaving or waxing.

And, in very rare cases, we’ve seen swelling of the ankles. But again, these side effects are extremely rare and usually easily handleable by changing the timing of the dose or the frequency of the dose. 

And also making sure that you check with your physician if you have any side effects, whether it be topical or oral minoxidil.

And, theoretically, you could use oral minoxidil and topical minoxidil together as a very potent hair growth stimulator treatment, especially if you’re not super compliant with topical minoxidil twice a day.

And, so if you’ve found that you’re not that compliant with topical minoxidil. Meaning that you have trouble putting the topical minoxidil into your scalp for the reasons we’ve said before, either hair styling, irritation, or seem to be forgetful, then oral minoxidil might be a great treatment option for you.

So, the most effective minoxidil choice is really the one that aligns with your goals, and also your lifestyle and your regimen.

So, choose the one that’s right for you with the help of a physician.

Check out the links below for my other videos.

If you have a hair loss question, or you’re thinking about oral minoxidil, adding that to your regimen, reach out to us today.

Watch more Dr. Bauman videos:

Dr. Alan Bauman: How To Use Strut Topical Hair Loss Solution Formulas (Video)

Dr. Bauman: How Minoxidil and Tretinoin Work Together for Hair Loss (Video)

Dr. Alan Bauman: How To Use Strut Dermaroller for Hair Growth (Video)

Strut Health prescription minoxidil hair loss treatments online

Here at Strut Health, we carry various topical minoxidil hair loss treatments that can combine multiple active ingredients into one topical product, as well as low-dose oral minoxidil tablets for both men and women.

To get started, simply select the hair loss product you are considering, then complete a free online questionnaire and image-based telemedicine consultation.

Our U.S. doctors will then review your information and set you up with a hair loss treatment plan to suit your needs.

Your prescription medication will then be shipped to your front door from a U.S. compounding pharmacy.

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