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DHT Blockers: Benefits for Hair and What Medications Contain Them

DHT blockers are the go-to medications for male pattern hair loss. In this article, we will cover DHT, DHT blockers, and how they work to help maintain that coiffure.

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If you have started your research into just what options are out there for helping reduce male pattern hair loss, you are likely to run into DHT (dihydrotestosterone) blockers. DHT blockers are the go-to medications for male pattern hair loss. But, just what is a DHT blocker, or even DHT?

In this article, we will cover DHT, DHT blockers, and how they work to help maintain that coiffure.

What is a DHT blocker?

A DHT blocker is a class of medications that prevents the human hormone DHT from attaching to its receptors.

DHT is a hormone that is closely related to testosterone, and is made when extra testosterone in the body is converted by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase.

DHT is beneficial in the body in normal amounts and helps maintain manly attributes, but when there is too much concentrated around the scalp it can shrink hair follicles and cause male pattern hair loss.

What does a DHT blocker do for hair?

When a DHT blocker is in the body, it goes around in the bloodstream and interacts with the receptor that DHT will normally activate.

By interacting with these receptors, the DHT blocker stops the DHT floating around from attaching to the receptor and prevents the follicle-shrinking and hair loss effects from DHT.

DHT blockers for hair loss are normally an everyday medication, and if you stop using them, your hair will likely continue down the same hair loss path as before treatment. So, while DHT blockers can be pretty effective for hair maintenance and potential regrowth, they do need to be continued to reap the benefits long term.

What is the difference between Minoxidil and a DHT blocker?

When we are talking about prescriptions for male pattern hair loss, Minoxidil and Finasteride are hands down the two most popular (and the only two FDA-approved male pattern hair loss treatments at the moment.)But, what makes them different? Is Minoxidil also a DHT blocker?

No, Minoxidil is not a DHT blocker, but it does help with male pattern hair loss in a different way.

Minoxidil is thought to work by stimulating growth factors in the scalp and dilating vessels to bring more oxygen and nutrients to the follicle. So, this is different than the DHT blocking effect of a medication like Finasteride or Dutasteride.

DHT-blocking Finasteride online

There are supplements and over-the-counter products available that claim to have DHT blocking abilities, but, with most of these OTC products lacking clinical evidence for DHT blocking, you may be better off speaking with a doctor about the prescription DHT blocker - Finasteride or Dutasteride.

Finasteride is one of the most promising DHT blockers for male pattern hair loss, with studies reporting up to 87.1% of male participants having increases in hair growth.

As with most medications, there are pros and cons to treatment, and a small percentage of users may experience side effects with these medications.

Have an Online Visit with our doctors today to see if Finasteride or Dutasteride are a good choice for your hair loss issues.

If you are a good candidate for treatment, your prescription DHT blocker can be sent quickly and discreetly to your front door.

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