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Clindamycin Gel for Acne: How It Works and How To Find It

Learn more about using Clindamycin to help with acne including how it works, how to use it, side effects, and where to find it.

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If your acne outbreaks are red and angry, there is a good chance that there is a lot of bacteria present.

And while some bacteria on your face is normal, too much ends up being...not pretty.

In this article, we will cover the basics for the most popular topical antibiotic therapy, including how it works, how to use it, how long does it take to work, and where you can find it.

What is Clindamycin?

Clindamycin is an antibiotic that is in a class of antibiotics called Lincomycin antibiotics.

Clindamycin is commonly used in tablet or I.V. form for infections, or in a topical form for acne.

What does Clindamycin do for acne?

The American Academy of Dermatology states that Clindamycin topical is the preferred topical antibiotic therapy for acne.

Clindamycin works by stopping bacteria from making proteins, this means that the bacteria cannot replicate.

When applied to the skin Clindamycin helps with acne by reducing inflammation and clearing excess bacteria.

How to use Clindamycin topical for acne:

Topical Clindamycin should be used over the entire affected area, so do not attempt to apply to only the pimples and “spot treat”.

Applying over the entire face instead of spot treating will help prevent the occurrence of new pimples.

Clindamycin can be applied once or twice daily depending on your therapy.

For best results, apply at around the same time each day.

If you are applying twice daily, be sure to space out treatments by about 12 hours.

Apply to clean dry skin, and wash hands after application.

Avoid getting the product into eyes, mouth, or open wounds.

Wash the area thoroughly with water if contact occurs.

During treatment, do not wash your face more than 2-3 times daily to avoid skin drying out and causing worsening of acne.

Use gentle cleansers and face products during treatment.

If you are using cosmetics during your treatment, find products that are water-based or non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores).

Learn More: Clindamycin and Tretinoin Acne Formulas: Do These Ingredients Work Better Together?

How long does Clindamycin take to work for acne?

You should start seeing improvements in your skin after about 4-6 weeks of treatment with Clindamycin topical.

Full improvement may occur after 8-12 weeks of treatment with Clindamycin topical.

It is not unusual to still get some new pimples during the first few weeks of treatment, so don’t be discouraged if that occurs.

Be sure to apply on a schedule and as directed to ensure the best results.

What are the side effects of Clindamycin topical?

When using Clindamycin in a topical formulation applied to the skin, the following side effects may occur at the application site:

  • Burning
  • Itching
  • Dryness
  • Peeling
  • Redness

The following Clindamycin topical side effects are extremely uncommon with topical application, but more severe. If any of the following occur, speak to your doctor or seek medical treatment:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Rectal bleeding
  • GI Disturbances

Clindamycin combination therapy

Clindamycin will do the dirty work of reducing inflammation and eliminating excess bacteria from the skin.

But to really amplify its acne banishing abilities pair it with something that can clear away excess dead skin cells that can easily clog pores.

Clindamycin works better for acne with Benzoyl Peroxide or retinoids together in the same product than the ingredients used separately.

The American Academy of Dermatology states that Clindamycin is an effective therapy for acne, but they recommend to use it in combination with other ingredients to help avoid antibiotic resistance. And that combination therapy should be used in the majority of patients with acne.

Our Strut Acne formula goes even one further and combines Clindamycin with a retinoid and a skin soothing and inflammation-busting B-vitamin.


Also Read: Why Strut Acne Cream Is the Clear Choice

Where can I find Clindamycin gel for acne scars?

Topical Clindamycin is a prescription-only medication, and cannot be found over the counter.

You can speak with your local doctor to see if topical Clindamycin is a good option for your acne.

Or, you can have a free online questionnaire-based consultation with our Strut Health U.S. licensed physicians to see if Clindamycin topical is right for you.

If you are a good candidate for topical Clindamycin treatment, we can ship your Strut Acne Formula Clindamycin combination therapy quickly and discreetly to your front door.


Clindamycin for acne: Summary

Clindamycin is an antibiotic that can be found in tablets, I.V. form, or topical formulations.

The topical formulation of Clindamycin is used for acne.

Clindamycin works by stopping the replication of bacteria, this leads to less inflammation and bacteria on the skin.

Apply topical Clindamycin to clean dry skin over the entire affected area (don’t just “spot treat”) at around the same time, either once or twice daily as directed.

You should start seeing results after 4-6 weeks of treatment, but the full effects may take 8-12 weeks.

The most common side effects of topical Clindamycin are: Burning, itching, peeling, dryness, and redness.

Rare side effects of topical Clindamycin include: Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, GI disturbances. If any of these occur, seek medical attention.

Clindamycin topical works better for acne when combined with benzoyl peroxide or a retinoid.

Clindamycin Topical is a prescription-only therapy and cannot be found over the counter.

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