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The Complete Guide to Chin Acne (and 8 Ways To Tell if It Is Hormonal)

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Does your acne seem to concentrate right along your chin and jawline?

There may be a reason why acne appears consistently in this area.

In this article, we will cover the reason behind chin acne, how to tell if it is hormonal related, and some skin routine tips to avoid and clear chin acne.

Could that jawline acne be hormonal?

Everyone has seen the “face mapping” that is supposed to correlate with why you are getting pimples in a certain area.

And, while it may seem a little far-fetched, for the chin and jawline area, the science tends to back this up.

One study states that it is well recognized that hormonal acne tends to concentrate in the bottom third of the face, along the chin and jawline.

Testosterone and other androgens (in men and women) increase sebum production on the face, and when there is extra sebum present, there is a higher likelihood that pores will clog and cause a pimple.

8 Signs that your breakouts are hormonal:

1. The pimples are located around the chin and jawline.

2. Your chin breakouts occur monthly about 1-2 weeks before your menstrual cycle.

3. If you are past puberty, and your breakouts started between the ages of 20-40.

4. Your stress levels are high. Stress can mess with your hormones and worsen your acne.

5. The pimples aren’t surface level blackheads and whiteheads, but deeper (and more painful) un-poppable cysts.

6. You just changed up or stopped your hormonal birth control.

7. You have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and a related increased androgen production.

8. You are pregnant or going through menopause and having a lot of hormonal changes.

Why is the chin a common acne area?

There are a few different reasons why the chin tends to be a commonly affected acne area.

There are a lot of hair follicles along the chin and jawline area, and hair follicles mean oil production and a larger response to hormones.

Aside from the hormonal aspect of the jawline, this is also an area that people tend to touch a lot.

Dirty hands and cell phones coming into contact with the area may also play a role.

Are you sure it is acne?

Even though the skin looks red and bumpy, it could turn out that your chin acne is, well...not acne.

Rosacea is a common skin condition that produces tiny red bumps on the face that may be fluid or pus-filled. The treatment for rosacea can be different than acne treatment.

Dermatitis is more of a rash-like irritation of the skin that can cause reddish irritated bumps. Dermatitis can occur on the chin area from a reaction to toothpaste or lip products.

Ingrown hairs may occur in men from shaving the chin area. This may be avoided by adapting to a gentler shave technique to prevent ingrown hairs.

If you suspect you may have one of these instead of general acne, it is best to get confirmation from a dermatologist.

Could your food choices be causing chin acne?

Studies have shown a connection between spiked insulin levels and increased sebum production.

This means that foods that produce a quick increase in blood sugar levels (white bread, white pasta, sweets, potatoes) could be causing a more oily environment on your face.

Some studies have found a correlation between dairy intake and acne. Researchers hypothesize this may stem from the presence of the hormones found in milk products.

If you want to see if dairy may be aggravating your chin acne, dermatologists recommend cutting the dairy for three weeks to see if your breakouts clear up.

Revamp your skin routine for a clear chin:

1. Wash your face morning and night with a gentle cleanser.

Only use oil-free or non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) products to keep those pores clear.

2. Opt for a mild chemical exfoliant like a retinoid or a gentle physical exfoliator.

Removing those excess dead skin cells is necessary, but intense scrubbing can worsen breakouts.

3. Keep your face moisturized, even during breakouts.

Dehydrated skin weakens your skin’s natural barrier against bacteria.

4. Never pick or pop.

Popping pimples can spread bacteria and increase your risk of scars.

5. Clean everything that comes in contact with your chin regularly.

We are talking about pillowcases, hands, and your phone.

Get some help from a medicated cream:

In addition to all of the tips above, you may need to include an acne reducing or preventing cream into your routine.

Our Strut Acne Formula combines a prescription-strength retinoid, a topical antibiotic, and a soothing and hydrating B-vitamin.

You can look into getting our physician and pharmacist formulated acne formula by having an online consultation with our U.S. certified physicians today.

If this medication is a good fit for you, we will ship your prescription quickly and discreetly to your front door.

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