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Ivermectin Cream for Rosacea: What Is It, How It Works, and Where To Find It

In this article we will cover just what Ivermectin cream is, what else it has been used for, how it helps some people with rosacea, and where you can find it.

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Rosacea can be a tricky skin condition to get control over, and that is because not all cases of rosacea are exactly the same.

There are technically 4 types of rosacea, and someone with rosacea can experience one, two, three, or all of these types at the same time, making the need for personalized rosacea treatment all the more important.

It can take a few trials and errors to find the perfect match for your rosacea symptoms, and for some, that match is Ivermectin.

Below, we will cover just what Ivermectin is, what else it has been used for, how it helps some people with rosacea, how it should be used, and where you can find it.

Also Read: Is Rosacea Contagious? And Other Common Rosacea Questions

What is Ivermectin?

Ivermectin is in the class of medications called antihelmintics, meaning that it can be used orally to clear certain parasites like roundworms and threadworms, most often in animals.

The brand name for the oral tablet form of Ivermectin for parasites is Stromectol.

In its topical form, this same active ingredient has also been FDA approved for head lice in lotion form under the brand name Sklice, And, as of 2014, in cream form for rosacea under the brand name Soolantra.

Even though this medication exists as both an oral and a topical treatment, the topical formulas should never be ingested or used for anything other than what your doctor prescribes it for.

All forms of Ivermectin are prescription-only, and should only be used while under a doctor’s care.

How does Ivermectin help with rosacea?

The exact mechanism of how Ivermectin helps with rosacea is not yet fully known.

But, what we do know is that in immunopharmacology studies, Ivermectin has a pretty strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Since a lot of the discomfort and proliferation of rosacea lesions comes from inflammation and disruption of the normal skin barriers on the skin, Ivermectin is likely playing a role by dialing down the inflammatory factors.

Additionally, Ivermectin may help reduce the numbers of Demodex skin mites which normally live on the skin, but are found in higher numbers on people with papulopustular rosacea.

Excess Demodex mites on the skin may trigger part of the unusual inflammatory response seen with rosacea, so clearing up excess mites may also have a hand in how Ivermectin gets rosacea blemishes under control.

How to use Ivermectin cream for rosacea?

To use Ivermectin creams for rosacea, you should apply according to your doctor’s instructions.

The usual instructions for Ivermectin use for rosacea are to apply a pea-sized amount of the cream to clean skin once daily.

The application should be on your forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin, and the eyes and mouth should be avoided.

While most rosacea treatments may take 4 weeks or more to start showing results, Ivermectin topical cream may produce visible reductions in the bumps and blemishes associated with rosacea in as little as 2 weeks of use.

Read Related: Alcohol and Rosacea: Why Does Alcohol Cause Rosacea Flares?

Where to find Ivermectin cream?

Ivermectin cream is a prescription-only medication, so you will need to speak with a doctor in person or with a free online questionnaire-based consultation through Strut Health to see if this medication is a good fit for you.

Your doctor may prescribe the brand name Soolantra cream for you to use, which only has Ivermectin as the active rosacea ingredient. Or, you can find compounded rosacea formulas like our Strut Rosacea Formula which combines Ivermectin with other rosacea soothing ingredients like Azelaic Acid, Metronidazole, or Oxymetazoline, chosen depending on your specific rosacea presentation and skin needs.

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