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How Can I Stop Hair Loss During Menopause? 8 Tips To Help Reduce Shedding

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As many as 50% of women may experience hair loss at some time during their lives -- and for many, that time is around and after menopause.

Menopause isn’t just about hot flashes, with the declines in progesterone and estrogen, and potential increases or uncovering of androgens, your hair may show some striking changes during this time.

Usually, progesterone and estrogen help hair grow faster and also stay in the growing phase for longer in order to reach longer lengths. So, with these hormones on the (natural) decline, you may start noticing hair growing in more slowly, or hairs shedding at shorter lengths. It may also seem more difficult to grow your hair as long as you used to.

With the uncovering or slight increase in androgens, you may experience some follicle miniaturization, like what is commonly seen in male pattern hair loss. These miniaturized follicles may produce shorter, finer, and less pigmented hairs than non-miniaturized follicles.

For most women, excess shedding and thinner and finer hairs may be a very unwelcome issue. Luckily, there may be things that you can do to help try to curb excess shedding and breakage pre, during, and post-menopause to make your hair look and feel the best it can.

Below are 8 tips that you can integrate into your daily life to help your hair look and feel fuller and healthier.

1. Combat hair loss with a healthy diet

Healthy hair starts from within. So, if you are noticing concerning shedding or thinning, it may be a good idea to revamp your diet or speak with a nutritionist to make sure you are providing your hair with everything it needs to be at its healthiest.

Getting adequate amounts of protein, vitamin C, vitamin A, fatty acids, niacin, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, iron, folate, and zinc might give your hair a little boost.

2. Use exercise to promote hormonal balance and blood flow

Exercise isn’t just for strong muscles, it can help with general hormonal balance, reduce stress levels, and enhance healthy blood flow all around your body.

A regular supply of blood and nutrients to the hair follicles from great circulation may help your hair look its best.

Talk to your doctor about an exercise regimen that fits your needs, lifestyle, and current health conditions.

3. Stress less to keep cortisol in check

Excess stress is not good news for your hair. So, if changes to your hair during menopause is getting you all worked up, try to find ways to relax and keep stress levels low. 

Long term stress may contribute to more hair shedding and exacerbate the problem.

Look into good ways to reduce stress like exercise, meditation, yoga, or speaking with friends, family, or a therapist to express your concerns in a healthy way.

4. Protect your hair from the elements to reduce damage

If your hair is thinning it is important to also keep it from having to handle excess damage too.

If you like swimming, try to keep your hair out of the water, wear a swim cap, or rinse your hair with fresh water as soon as you are done swimming to help reduce dryness from salt or chlorine.

If you are heading into the sun, pop on a hat to keep UV rays off of your hair. Excess UV exposure can make your hair dry or more brittle over time.

5. Use your styling tools wisely and color gently

It is fine to pick up a few new styling tricks to make your hair look fuller and more voluminous. But, remember that heat styling and certain procedures like perms can be damaging to your hair. Always use a heat protectant when going in with heated tools, use the lowest heat setting that will work, and give your hair plenty of “off” days with low or no-heat styling.

A new fun hair color is a great way to make your feel better about your hair, but choose the color wisely to make sure you aren’t doubling up on the damage.

Avoid bleach-heavy colors that can dry out your hair and make it prone to breakage, and if you want to go with a new color opt for “natural” or conditioning dyes if possible that may deposit color without making hair dry and brittle.

6. Begin a nourishing hair care routine

Giving your hair extra TLC by figuring out a hair care routine that works for you.

Invest in a more nourishing shampoo and conditioner, consider leave-in hair oils or conditioners, as well as a deep conditioning treatment once or twice a week.

7. Try out a shorter or more textured hairstyle

Shorter hair with more movement from layers or fringe may help boost volume and give the illusion of more hair. A short blunt bob may also work for some people to give the appearance of thicker hair at the ends.

Talk to your hairdresser about your thinning concerns and they can help you identify a shorter or more voluminous style that works with your hair type, personal style, and face shape.

8. Consider a medication to help slow losses and potentially boost regrowth

There are medication options for women who want to try and slow hair loss or potentially help increase some regrowth.

Minoxidil is the active ingredient in Rogaine, and it is currently the only FDA-approved medication for use for female pattern hair loss. The full mechanism for how it helps with hair growth is not fully understood, but it may have to do with improving blood flow to the scalp and increasing the length of time hair is in the growth phase (anagen phase). 

It may take several months of using Minoxidil before you see the hair benefits, and it is considered a long-term medication since if you stop the medication your hair will likely revert to how it was before treatment.

Spironolactone is a medication that is sometimes used off-label for female pattern hair loss, and it helps by reducing androgens in the body. You may be able to find Spironolactone in oral tablet form, or in topical applications like our Strut Women’s Hair Growth Formula. Spironolactone is a prescription-only medication, so you will need a prescription from a doctor in order to use it. 

If you are interested in seeing if our Strut Women’s Hair Formula with Spironolactone and Minoxidil is a good fit for you, you can have a free online questionnaire and image-based telemedicine consultation with our U.S. licensed doctors today.

If you are a good candidate for treatment, your medication can be shipped to your front door with our free shipping.

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