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Dr. Alan Bauman: Can Women Use Oral Minoxidil Tablets for Hair Loss? (Video)

Dr. Bauman explains if women can use oral minoxidil for hair loss, and what to expect with treatment.

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Dr. Alan Bauman: Can Women Use Oral Minoxidil Tablets for Hair Loss? (Video)

(Video Transcript)

Hey everybody!  It’s Dr. Alan Bauman from Bauman Medical Hair Transplant and Hair Loss Treatment Center, coming to you today on behalf of Strut and

One of the most common questions I get asked these days – “What about oral minoxidil for women? Is it appropriate? What are the side effects? What’s all the buzz about?”. We’re going to cover some of that today.

So, minoxidil, oral minoxidil for women especially, is a very hot topic in the clinic.

And, so, what is minoxidil? Minoxidil was originally developed as Rogaine, as a topical treatment. It’s FDA-approved for women as a topical. But oral minoxidil is appropriate off-label for both men and for women.

Women can certainly benefit from minoxidil. Minoxidil is a potent hair-growth stimulator, and whether you are using it topically or orally, you can get some really potent hair growth from minoxidil.

But, some women have some difficulty using minoxidil topically on the scalp.

It can disrupt the hairstyling, it can sometimes cause irritation at the level of the scalp. So, oral minoxidil might be a nice option.

At Strut Health, we offer oral minoxidil for both men and for women who are struggling with hair loss.

So, precautions and side effects are really kind of minor to be honest.

Obviously, pregnant women, women trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding should not use oral medications. Especially without checking with their doctor first. 

So, side effects of oral minoxidil are usually very, very manageable and typically are extremely rare at the low micro-dose levels that we use.

But, if you go too much of minoxidil, then you could have low blood pressure and that could manifest as headaches or dizziness.

Sometimes you can see hair in unwanted areas, but this is usually easily handled, either by lowering the dose of the oral minoxidil or just using hair removal techniques such as laser or shaving.

Other potential side effects are extremely rare, like swelling of the ankles.

But, all these side effects are dose-dependent. And, so, you should definitely want to check with your doctor if you’re having some side effects from oral minoxidil, and also track your changes in terms of your hair growth using photography or other measurements. 

Oral minoxidil, therefore, very exciting treatment, great for both men and women, appropriate certainly for women with thinning hair. Has a very potent hair-growth effect with a minimal risk side effect profile.

So, if you’re interested in oral minoxidil, reach out to, our physicians here are ready to help you.

And, don’t forget to check out my other videos and blog posts for other information on hair loss and hair restoration.

Strut Health prescription hair loss treatments online

Here at Strut Health, we carry topical and oral minoxidil medications for both men and women.

To get started, simply select the men’s hair loss medication or women’s hair loss medication that you are considering, complete a free online questionnaire and image-based consultation, and check out. Our U.S. doctors will review your information a make sure the medication is a good fit for you.

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