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Coffee and Rosacea: Everything You Need To Know

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If you’ve reluctantly given up your morning cup of coffee to prevent rosacea flare-ups -- this article is for you.

When it comes to rosacea flare-ups the popular belief has been to stay away from coffee as it could cause rosacea flare-ups. But in 2018, researchers debunked this common rosacea myth. 

So, what does that mean for those who have rosacea? Is coffee fair game now? In this article, we’ll outline what this new coffee and rosacea research says and how best to enjoy a cuppa joe.

(I see an iced latte in your future!)  

Diet associated rosacea flare-ups

If you have rosacea -- an inflammatory skin condition that causes flushing, redness, and irritation of the face -- then you’ve likely given up a thing or two to reduce flares. 

Spicy foods, cocktails, hot beverages, wine, dairy, and anything containing histamines are considered off-limits to those trying to keep their rosacea flare-ups under control. 

For a long time, coffee, and caffeine in general, were thought to be rosacea triggers. But recent research has disproved this.

Coffee and rosacea 

In a surprising turn of events, coffee has actually been found to decrease symptoms of rosacea. (Albeit in some pretty high quantities so it’s not a treatment option.) In a study of nearly 83,000 women, researchers found those who drank 4 or more cups of coffee a day were 23% less likely to report rosacea.

A 2018 study explained why this may be.

Coffee is a known vasoconstrictor that mildly constricts blood vessels. This is good news for those with flushing rosacea. 

With rosacea, your blood vessels dilate, leak and then cause a red patch or flushing under the surface of the skin. This is why topical vasoconstriction medication is used for those with flushing rosacea.

So why did we believe caffeine was an enemy of rosacea for so long? Beverage temperature. 

Caffeinated beverages do not cause a rosacea flare reaction, but hot beverages can

So, this all comes down to temperature?

Yes. Coffee on it’s own, caffeine content and all, has not been shown to cause rosacea flares

Hot beverages, however, have been shown to cause varying degrees of facial flushing for those with rosacea. 

But, if coffee is consumed at room temperature (or iced) it causes no rosacea reactions.   

For all you coffee lovers out there that avoid coffee or caffeine because of your rosacea -- try your favorite beverage iced. 

Daily use vasoconstriction creams can help control flushing throughout your day 

If you’re worried about your rosacea flaring up on you -- you might consider topical vasoconstrictor medications that constrict the blood vessels on your face and reduce redness. 

Use this product in the morning and Oxymetazoline can help control your redness all day. 

Read more: Oxymetazoline Cream for Rosacea Treatment 

Those who have tried our affordable and bespoke vasoconstrictor Strut Rosacea Formula have seen instant results. 

“As soon as I started using the rosacea formula my face calmed down tremendously. Even my esthetician commented on how much better my face looked after roughly a week of using it. I love this stuff!” -- W

Try our customized rosacea formula by completing a questionnaire-based online doctor's consultation to see if our rosacea treatments are right for you. 

If our doctors find this is a good fit for you, we’ll ship your prescription to your doorstep.


Caffeine or coffee are no longer considered to be a rosacea trigger. Hot beverages, however, still are. It’s likely we’ve thought coffee is a trigger for so long because of the traditional serving temperature of coffee. Opt for iced coffee, friends! 

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