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Fat Burner Booster

Boost Your Metabolism and Trim Unwanted Fat 

Experience enhanced fat burning and improved energy levels without the jitters.*

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Benefits of Fat Burner Booster Rx

Enhanced fat metabolism*
Improved energy levels without jitters*
Healthy cholesterol management*
Mood and motivation boost*
Support healthy cell energy production*

Note: Capsule may appear different based on the dosage form your physician approves

Transform Your Body with a Powerful Metabolism Boost*

Methionine + Inositol + B12 (Methylcobalamin) + L-Carnitine = Fat Burner Booster from Strut

  • Enhanced natural fat-burning abilities*
  • Improved metabolism for better energy management*
  • Increased energy levels for daily boost without jitters*
  • Supports mood improvement and motivation*
  • Aids in cholesterol management*
  • Supports liver fat metabolism and removal*
  • Provides essential components for cell and brain function*
  • Convenient capsule form for easy daily intake

Transparent Pricing

30 DAY SUPPLY $1.63/day
for a month's supply
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How it Works

Initial consultation and medical questionnaire completion

Prescription provided by a healthcare professional, if medically appropriate

Personalized follow-up and adjustment for optimal treatment effectiveness

Fat Burner Booster Rx Pricing

Medication & Active Ingredients
Price (Starting at)
Fat Burner Booster Rx (Methionine + Inositol + B12 + L-Carnitine)

Frequently asked questions

What is the Fat Burner Booster?

Fat Burner Booster is a compounded supplement medication that contains amino acids, vitamins, and a carbohydrate used in your body to help encourage a healthy metabolism.*

How does Fat Burner Booster work?

The ingredients in Fat Burner Booster may help with suppressing appetite, healthy blood sugar levels, lowered triglycerides, or insulin resistance.* This may be beneficial to people who are trying to achieve or maintain a healthy weight.*

How should I take Fat Burner Booster?

Take your Fat Burner Booster supplement as directed on your container. This is usually one capsule taken once daily. Try to take the Fat Burner Booster at about the same time each day. Set a reminder timer on your phone, or tie your dose together with an activity like when you eat your breakfast to remember your dose.

How long does Fat Burner Booster take to work?

How long it takes for Fat Burner Booster to exert its effects may be different from person to person, and depend on your current health and weight. In general, you may start having improved glucose levels or reduced insulin resistance shortly after starting this supplement.* Give any new supplement or medication a few months to see how it may work for you.

How often should I use Fat Burner Booster?

It is usually recommended that the Fat Burner Booster is a once-daily medication, taken by mouth at approximately the same time each day.

What should I tell my doctor before starting Fat Burner Booster?

Before starting the Fat Burner Booster, you should let your doctor know about any weight-related diseases or problems you are currently experiencing (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes), and your weight loss or health goals. You should also let your doctor know about any other medications you are taking and other health conditions you are dealing with. Your doctor will need to know if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

What should I avoid while taking Fat Burner Booster?

While you are taking Fat Burner Booster, you will want to avoid other supplements or medications that also contain the active ingredients inside of this medication (Methionine, Inositol, L-Carnitine). Although these ingredients are amino acids or carbohydrates found naturally in your foods and your body, you can take too much of them, which may be dangerous. Review the labels of your current supplements to avoid overlap. You should also avoid becoming pregnant or breastfeeding while using this medication as it is not known if this supplement is safe to use in these situations.

What are the common side effects of Fat Burner Booster?

Some people may not have any side effects when using this medication. Other people may experience more common side effects including: Nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, irritability, diarrhea, gas, headache, heartburn, fatigue, stomach upset, a tingling sensation in the hands and feet, or a “fishy” body odor. For a full list of the possible side effects of Fat Burner Booster, including the less common but more serious side effects, look at the patient safety information on our website. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Strut is qualified to help you find the right treatment for your needs. We are driven to improve the digital healthcare experience and our team is available to help you throughout the process.

Enhance Fat Metabolism*
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.